World Changers 3Fs of Innompic Games Vadim Kotelnikov change the world quote  

If you don't change the World, why do you exist at all?

The Loving Creator created us in his own likeness. We are all loving creators by birth. We were born to make a positive difference in this World.




All you need to change the world around you is to change the way you perceive it.


Attitude makes the difference



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"Translated in Chinese, Business e-Coach helped China transform itself to an entrepreneurial rapid-growth economy."

~ Ye Shangjie, STTE

  Vadim Kotelnikov Wei Di cover Chinese S&T journal


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

The wilder your idea, the lesser competition, the stronger buyers' resistance, the greater your victory!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



Strive to make the world better – you'll grow wiser and discover your true passion and your true self as you go.

Dare to challenge assumptions, defy convention and break rules the best solutions are not in the outside world, they are inside yourself.

  Vadim Kotelnikov quotes The greatest achievers are those who are old enough to be wise, and young enough to believe they can change the world.


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

To create miracles, don't channel your energy towards your fears, channel your energy towards your dreams.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov on Facebook    



The most important is to find the most important difference that makes the difference.

A key difference that makes the difference is the one that empowers you to create wonderful bouquets of valuable differences.

  BE MAD Be Different and Make a Difference! 6+6 Drivers of an Entrepreneur Dream Big Dreams How To Discover Opportunities Innovation Is Love 1000ventures Disruptive Innopreneurs Create Customer Value Create Custoomers BE MAD - Be Entrepreneurial! Make A Difference! Vadim Kotelnikov



Strive to make the World better discover yourself Vadim Kotelnikov quotes    

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Trainer & Speaker





Change the world quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov, create unusual things make the world a greater place, photogram, selfiegram


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

We create either for fun or under the gun. We create under the gun to solve problems, but it is while creating for fun that we invent world-changing wonders.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

See yourself through the eyes of others if you want to be understood. See yourself through your own eyes if you want to disrupt the status quo.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 




Vadim Kotelnikov

Break rules wisely – disrupt human habits (example) while staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe (example).

Vadim Kotelnikov

Ksenyia Kotelnikova, Miss Innovation World award winner Innompic Planet of Loving Creators

Always do your best – wonderful rewards will follow!.

Ksenya Kotelnikova

Dennis Kotelnikov, Russian actor and singer, Mister Innovation award winner, Innompic Planet of Loving Creators

Everyone can be amasingly creative and innovative. All you need is passion, courage and a burning desire to stretch yourself in all dimensions.

Dennis Kotelnikov






Vadim Kotelnikov

To me, any activity for the benefit of others and/or the world is a prayer in action.

Vadim Kotelnikov



Solve problems positively. Ask yourself, "What good things this problem brings to me? Let me list of them all."




Vadim Kotelnikov humorous quotes Everyone can change the World. Fortunately, 99% of people don't believe they canPrayer in action Vadim Kotelnikov quotes


Be a Loving Creator    Dare to Live!

Your Life Symphony   >>  BE MAD    Achieve Impossible    Victor

Strategic Creativity    Mindset    Attitude    Energy    Focus    Action


Today is all about being unique yourself, making a difference, embracing entrepreneurship and changing the world!

Your greatest and happiest actions are those that you take with best intentions at heart without worrying about how you will be rewarded.


MAD song

Though many live without a vision,
My way in life is not to fake.
I'll bring my big dreams to fruition –
I have a difference to make!...

The Most Useful Dictionary

Life is not a dash between the dates of birth and death; it is an endless chain of wonders if you've discovered your life mission and pursue it passionately... More

Top 10 Tips Kore 10 Tips for Thinking Differently

  Be willing to discard the "old" paradigms you are familiar and comfortable with... More





Loving Creator  >> Innovation is Love    BE MAD  >>  Think Differently  /      Vision    Big Dream  >>  Way    Passion    Action    Attitude    Focus    Energy




Trademark Thinking Tools  Vadim Kotelnikov icon



Innoball ‒ exceed your initially desired results



Coaching by Example  Vadim Kotelnikov icon





You are unique, so be unique! Don't let the vanity cacophony mute your life symphony! Vadim Kotelnikov quotes on innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship


COCA Principle of Achievement     Magic of Your Attitude    Be a Victor!

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