Your inspiring life vision and a
burning desire to achieve it helps you get and
stay energized for life. Your vision performs both a directional and a
motivational function. Keep stretch in your vision –
stretch goals energize.
Your personal mission statement helps you understand why you exist and the
purpose of your life journey. This knowledge energizes because it helps you
streamline your actions while understanding how each step you make contributes
to the total
great value you create for yourself and others.
You live as you believe. If you stay focused on your vision and believe in
yourself, your life mission, and your abilities, you’ll be enthusiastic,
energized, and unstoppable.
The Wheel
of Personal Success
If you
love what you do, there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones.
Problems and failures don’t discourage you, they challenge you to think
creatively and energize.
Dream big dreams, commit to
your true passion,
and you will learn to fly!
Act boldly. Turn the inertia of rest into the inertia of motion. Your noble
vision and purpose translated into action will create excitement and lead to
exciting results.
creative person is an energized person, and vice versa. Always
challenge assumptions, seek out new
ways to address challenges,
solve problems, and
turn failures to opportunities.