Vadim Kotelnikov

If you stop learning,
you stop creating history and become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov personal brand logo quotes


KoRe Thinking Techniques & Tools

Gamification 10+

INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball)

InnoBall Intelligence (IbI)

Innompic Games

Educative InnoBall Test

Educative Ying-Yang Test (YYtest)

KoRe Glossary

KoRe Elevator Speeches

KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT)

3Bs of Strategic Creativity

Inventing on Autopilot

SARS Synergy of Discovery and Invention

Holistic Thinking: KoRe 3 Models

'Garden' & 'Kitchen' of Team Creativity

Gold Coin Cards

Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN)


Amazing Thinker

Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI)

3 Levels of Creativity

Insight-powered Creativity

Genius Awakened

Genius? Easy!


SuperCreativity as a Dance

Most Useful Dictionary

Subconscious Creativity

Subconscious Ideation on Autopilot


Life Design

All-Inclusive Love

Be a GREATbody

Dancing with Life and Innovation

Happiness 360

Life-Business Synergy

Self-Reciprocity Laws

The Best vs. Others


Creative Achiever

Educative Yin-Yang Attitude Tests

Setting Right Goals

Achieve Impossible

COCA Principle of Achievement

Creative Challenge Spiral

FICAP Attitudes

Outside-the-Box Use of Old Tools

Learning SWOT Questions


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes make our planet a better placed


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes: Be a Loving Creator, photogram


Stretch your #goals and your goals will #stretch you Vadim Kotelnikov quotes


Difference that Makes the Difference Attitude quotes Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes ideation It's not me who pulls ideas of myself, it's ideas who pull me out of myself.








Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

Looking deeper for a solution is intelligence;
looking wider is creativity;
looking higher is enlightenment.

Vadim Kotelnikov personal logo

Vadim Kotelnikov on Facebook    


Vadim Kotelnikov teachings

I don't know exactly how I attract divine messages, but I feel that it's a round-trip one-stop flight: Conscious → SubconsciousThe Universe → Subconscious → Conscious

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo


  Innoball Innovation Brainball Innovation Football simulation game 



10 Commandments of Innovation

5 Basic Elements of a Winning Organization

6Ws of Corporate Growth

Business BLISS

E-shaped Leader

Entrepreneurial Success: Football Model

Entrepreneurial Success: Tree Model

Entrepreneurial Success: Wood-Screw Model

First Impressionism

Harmonious Mega-Innovation

Innopreneur: 8-fold Noble Path

Innovation is Love

Jazz of Innovation

Leadership-Management Synergy

Love-based Happy Business

Loving Creator

Master of Business Synergies (MBS)


SADR Cycle − Strategize, Act, Discover, Reassess

Spiral Model of Success

Smooth Ways of Creating Disruptions

Tree of Business Success

Venturepreneurial Flight


Laziness-Smartness Matrix


Marketing as a Dance

Virtuoso Marketing

White Marketing

TALE of Persuasion

SWOT Marketing

Wood-Screw Marketing





Entrepreneurial Rainbow

Types / Forms of Entrepreneur / Entrepreneurship

Definitions + Coaching by Example




Impact Entrepreneur




A Loving Creator is a global citizen who loves the whole world, loves all people, and pursues s/his passion to keep creating great innovative value for s/his loved ones.

SuperSmart is an innovative thought leader who mastered light-speed subconscious thinking.






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