The Need

Top Management of Mars Inc. wanted to make their workforce more creative, innovative and intrapreneurial. They ordered an INNOBALL training together with introduction to various entrepreneurial creativity techniques.

INNOBALL training to develop employee creativity for Mars Inc. by Vadim Kotelniov, the author of Innoball



Learning Benefits

In a joyful environment, participants mastered a set of inventive thinking and entrepreneurial creativity techniques.

They adopted a continuous value innovation mindset and understood the entire A to Z innovation 360 process much better.



INNOBALL training entrepreneurial simulation games nurturing breakthrough skills




What the Employees Learned


The participants of the INNOBALL training said that they had learned how to:

invent innovative valuable solutions both individually and as a team;

recognize obstacles to innovation and anticipate challenges;

solve unexpected problems creatively and adapt to changing circumstances;

implement an innovation project as a cross-functional team;

outperform competitors and win customers over.


Self-assessment by trainees before and after an INNOBALL simulation game




Developing Breakthrough Business Solutions


To make the training more focused on real-life situations, the participants were asked to identity pressing business challenges that could be addressed innovatively.

Top management selected three challenges out of those suggested by the employees.

INNOBALL simulation games training Vadim Kotelnikov Mars intellectual teamwork brainstorming

Many innovative ideas generated during the INNOBALL simulation game were implemented by the company after the training.