Vadim Kotelnikov

Happiness is the light that flows inside out, not outside in.

Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov happiness quotes: The address of your happiness is www.your.mind  

Love    Life Design

Attitude    Activities


Achievement    Affirmations

Happiness Way    Happy Victor




Your happiness and unhappiness have the same address − it's www.your.mind.

Don't search for happiness,
create happiness! Everyone is creative, and the best thing you can keep creating for yourself is HAPPINESS.

Vadim Kotelnikov happiness way quotes Don't search for happiness, create happiness!


Vadim Kotelnikov

Happiness is about believing in your life cause and understanding that each step on your life journey makes a positive contribution to it.

Vadim Kotelnikov



The address of your happiness is www.your.mind

The simplest secret of a happy life: Love breeds love − love life and life will love you back.


Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov



The master key to a happy and successful life is the desire to learn and benefit from any experience.

If you feel happy, you are a winner.  >>>

The master key to a happy and successful life is the desire to learn and benefit from any experience. Vadim Kotelnikov quotes


Vadim Kotelnikov

Mosquitoes are ambassadors of happiness for those who think that happiness is to scratch itches.

Vadim Kotelnikov



The master key to a happy and successful life is the desire to learn and benefit from any experience.

If you feel happy, you are a winner.  >>>

Happiness mindset quotes Vadim Kotelnikov warm room








Vadim Kotelnikov quotes, learning breeds happiness - learn to enjoy, enjoy learning

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes You feel happy, you are a winner




5 Simple Rules for a Happy Life: Give more; Expect less - Vadim Kotelnikov photogram


The World of Happy choose happiness Vadim Kotelnikov quotes

Happiness jokes funny picture pigeonholes enjoy every monent of ypur life Vadim Kotelnikov



There are two worlds: The World of Happy and The World of Unhappy. You can choose to live in any of them either just for now or permanently.

If you wish to catch the bluebird of happiness,
set your love free.

To achieve lasting happiness, open your heart to love:
love what you have, love what you do, and love other people.

You live as you believe. If you believe you can fly, you can fly. Vadim Kotelnikov

The keys to success are hidden in dark places, but you have a flashlight to find them - it's your positive mindset.

Turn it on!

Vadim Kotelnikov quote: Learning breeds happiness: enjoy learning and learn to enjoy

If you treat problems as problems, they are problems; if you treat problems as opportunities, they are opportunities.

If you treat problems as problems, they are problems; if you treat problems as opportunities, they are opportunities. Vadim Kotelnikov

The key difference between losers and winners: losers approach possible as impossible; winners approach impossible as possible. 

Vadim Kotelnikov WINNER: Key difference: losers approach possible as impossible; winners approach impossible as possible. Vadim Kotelnikov

Happiness is about being able to see wonders in usual things.

External victories bring temporary happiness. Conquering yourself brings lasting happiness.

The address of your happiness is www.your.mind. Vadim Kotelnikov

The Earth is the place to learn to conquer yourself,  not others.

The key to happiness is your inner freedom, peace, and willingness to enjoy every moment of your life.

 Be always Santa inside – make others happy, and you'll be happy!

Happiness is not about life-business balance, it is about life-business synergy.

Practice this simple and powerful attitudinal approach: in a crowded place say silently and wholeheartedly, ‘People, I love you all so much!’  And enjoy your soul being instantly filled with happiness and joy. You'll feel forever young.

Love is your Life and Happiness boat in the predaceous sea of Sin and Unhappiness. The bigger your love, the bigger your boat.

Loving is not about wanting your loved one to be yours, it is about wanting your loved one to be happy.  >>>

To build wonderful relationships, be a shawl of empathy, a shower of joy, and a well of inspiration.  >>>


Vadim Kotelnikov Santa Klaus

Be always Santa inside – make others happy, and you'll be happy!

Vadim Kotelnikov




Happy Business


Have a big, daring and inspiring entrepreneurial vision! If the desire to get rich was the only thing that made you start the entrepreneurial journey, your business will never make you happy.