Leadership Tasks, Vadim Kotelnikov

Leader 360 Leader 360 (micro-course) Self-Leadership Lateral Leadrship Leading Up Leading Down e-Coach Self-Leadership Managerial Leadership 12 Leadrship Roles Vadim Kotelnikov Lateral Leadership  DOs and DOn'Ts, and Top 10 Tips People Skills of a Leader Creative Achiever Lead by Example How To Sell Your Ideas To Decision Makers Leadership 360: Self-Leadership, Leading Up, Leading Down, Lateral Leadership

Leadership is about creating powerful human currents
moving enthusiastically in a right direction.

Followers watch news; Leaders create news.

As a Leader, you must envision the future, passionately believe that
you can make a difference, and
inspire people to achieve more
than they may ever have dreamed possible.

Leadership is not about shining, it is about helping others shine.  >>>

Giving is getting.
If you want to grow as a leader, help your people grow and shine.

'1+1+1=3' is the arithmetics of a group.
The arithmetics of a team is '1+1+1=111'.


 12 Leadership Roles

Visioning and Leading the Way

Create an inspiring shared vision and shared values

Create and lead change

Lead by example

Demonstrate confidence

Empowering and Energizing

Inspire and energize people

Empower people

Communicate openly

Listen, support, and help

Encouraging Teamwork

Involve everyone, use team approach

Coach, bring out the best in your people

Encourage group decision

Monitor progress, but don't micromanage