Vadim Kotelnikov


Create Your Fate    Loving Creator    Genius    Breakthrough Thinker


KoRe 10

Metaphorical Life Tips

Metaphors create 'Aha!' effect instantly




Life Symphony

You are unique, so be unique!

Don't let the vanity cacophony mute
your life symphony!


Life symphony quotes Vadim Kotelnikov You are unique, so be unique!



Life Mission

The most important thing in life is to choose the right boat.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Choose the right Life Boat




If your Genius is a 'Sleeping Beauty',
kiss her!

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes genius wake up photogram




Big Dream

Set a narrow goal,
and you'll reach the ceiling.

Dream big dreams,
and you'll reach the stars.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Set a narrow goal, and you'll reach the ceiling. Dream big dreams, and you'll reach the stars.




Believe in yourself and your unlimited capabilities. Burning belief
is your bridge between impossible and possible and the fuel of your
strategic success

Burning Belief quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov Denis, Вадим Котельников Денис



Strategic Priorities

Your Life is a self-service shop
with your
Life Mission and True Passion
being your
wise shopping advisers.

Life is a self-service shop Mission Passion Vadim Kotelnikov life advice quotes





Look at yourself as a sunflower seed:
you can stay as you are,
you can grow yourself into a wonderful sun-like plant.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Don't be a star, be a sun. Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators



Loving Relationships

See your loving relationships
as a flower
that needs to be watered every day.

Nurture your love Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators




If clouds darkened
the way to your dream,
raise above the clouds.

Vadim Kotelnikov quote photogram Raise aboive clouds




Positive Thinking

The keys to success and happiness
are hidden in dark places, but
you have a flashlight to find them
− it is your positive mindset.
Turn it on!

Positive Mindset, Positive Attitude as a flashlight to find the keys to success and happiness, Vadim Kotelnikov quotes