Choose Love

Love for your work, your customers, your partners, and the entire World
is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues.

The Wheel of Personal Success e-Coach Self-Reciprtocity Laws Create a Grand Vision Vadim KOtelnikov on Learning Self-Leaderships Change Yourself 10 Tips for Winning in Life and Business Vadim Kotelnikov Success360 Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of Emfographics Take Action The Magic of Action Never Give Up Commitment Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment The Wheel of Success: How To Be Successful in Life and Business: Vision, Learning, Change, Commitment, Persistence






Your Inspirational Vision

What is your purpose in life? Build inspirational details into your grand vision. Be realistic, explicit, and creative. See yourself the way you want to be. What skills and special qualities do you possess that will help make you successful? What qualities you most admire in other people? What are the qualities you would want most to create the perfect you? What can you do right now to act more like the person you wish to be?  >>>






Willingness To Change

The best place to start change is with yourself. Stretch yourself! Do something impossible to discover your inner power and spread your wings!

Continuous Learning

Life is about continuous learning, discovering new things, and growing. Successful   people don't think they know everything. They are open to new ideas. They are always willing to find another way, find a better solution. That's why they're successful.  Don't think you know everything and be open to learning forward and trying new things if you wish to achieve more, create new things, grow, be successful and live the life you want >>>






Take Action

Winners take action; losers fake action. Losers are afraid to go after what they want because it would force them to stretch their comfort zones. Successful people aren't free of fear and worry; they move forward in spite of it. They've learnt how to motivate themselves and get themselves to take action.

COCA Principle of Achievement


Wind is always fair even when it looks unfair. Fail small to succeed big on your way of making your dreams come true. See failure as temporary. Learn, refocus, restart. Keep smiling at your fate, and your fate will smile back at you.

Can-Do Attitude





Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Failure is an opportunity to grow wiser, get better prepared to win and make the next step towards success.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach icon    Innompic Games icon




  Great Achiever: 8 Winning Habits




7 Paradoxical Rules of True Success       KoRe 5 Affirmations