The Need To Think Both Outside-In and Inside-Out

Any your innovative move, especially a creates change and, thus, resistance to change as well.


Strategic Thinking quotes Think Inside Out and Outside In Vadim Kotelnikov

Your partners may see it as threat to their vested interests and established processes. Your target customers will look at your innovative value proposition with eyes, not yours. Your competitors will attack your innovation in order to preserve their market position. Even in friendly communication, the message you send may prompt an unexpected response because people what you say and what the other person hears are not the same thing.



When you think
don't forget to think Outside-In as well if you want to move farther and faster on your life or business journey.

Venturepreneurial Flight




Inside-Out-Outside-In vs. Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Divergent and Convergent thinking is about managing the ideation process during brainstorming or new product / service development: first generate a lot of ideas, then select the most promising ones. This is the essence of loose-tight leadership practiced by strategic innovation leaders.

Inside-Out and Outside-In thinking is about two different perceptual positions:

① Inside-Out is about what you think is good to do for others;

② Outside-In is about how you and what you do is perceived by others.


Prepare to Win, win a battle before it begins Vadim Kotelnikov Paradoxical rules of success Innovation Football Innoball simulation game

Anticipation is a most important strategic thinking skill of a disruptive innopreneur and an entrepreneurial innovation leader.


You must be able to anticipate diverse challenges that may emerge on your way to desired strategic results and to get better prepared to win.

Prepare to win wisely Vadim Kotelnikov advice Innoball simulation game







Strategic Creativity

When you develop a creative
business design, entrepreneurial or
innovation strategies, think both holistically and creatively.

3Bs of Strategic Creativity Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Brainstorming Brainstilling Awaken Your Subconscious Mind Strategic Thinker Wisdom Emfographics Strategic Creativity - 3Bs: Brainstilling, Brainstorming, Brainstilling

Breakthrough Thinker

Holistic Thinking




Play INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball)


Entrepreneurial simulation game Innoball facilitates both Inside-Out and Outside-In thinking because it requires you to think for both yourself and your opponents.

Application Areas

Innoball Game in Process: Innovation Football, Entrepreneurial Games, creative problem solving, predicting opponents' moves, team assessment





Focus on your big dream and vision. They perform a directional, a motivational, and an inspirational function.

When you focus passionately on your vision you start noticing and creating things that help you achieve it >>>

Strategic Thinking Synergy Create a Grand Vision Systems Thinking Success 360 Awaken Your Subconscious Power Thinking Outside the Box Vadim Kotelnikov at Emphographics Strategic Alignment Switching Perceptual Positions Strategic Thinking: 7 Principles